Lies and Deceit Quotes in Beautiful Creatures

How we cite our quotes: (Date.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"In my family, before your Claiming, you aren't really allowed to know anything. [...] In case you go Dark, I guess." (12.08.25)

Has Lena's family ever considered that the teens in the family might go Dark because they've been lied to for their entire lives? What do you think?

Quote #8

The remaining members of the tribunal looked scared to death, as if any minute now, Macon Ravenwood, or his dog, might start telling the whole town their dirty little secrets. (12.16.155)

No matter how small a town, people definitely don't like it when their dirty laundry gets aired, especially in a public forum.

Quote #9

If Mrs. Lincoln had put the fear of God into [the people of Gatlin], Macon Ravenwood had given people in Gatlin a reason to fear something even worse. The truth. (12.19.3)

We guess when you're that intent on keeping secrets, having them exposed is a fate worth than Hell.