The Book Thief Death Quotes


Quote 64

The man did not breathe. He did not move. Yet, somehow, he traveled from the doorway to the bed and was under the covers. (33.13)

The passage does a lot to highlight Max's suffering. Two years hiding in dark sheds has made him an expert at the art of pretending not to exist.


Quote 65

The suffering faces of depleted men and women reached across to them, pleading not so much for help, but for an explanation. Just something to subdue this confusion. (58.35)

This passage suggest that human beings crave understanding even more than food. The situation of the Jews being marched to Dachau is unimaginable. They never in their wildest dreams thought it would come to this. If someone came to you and told you you'd soon be moved to a death camp, would you believe it?


Quote 66

They should have come by now and swept through the house, looking for any evidence of Jew loving or treason, but it appeared that Max had left for no reason at all. He could have been asleep in the basement or sketching in his book. (60.21)

Hans suffers a great deal for his bread-giving moment. And he sends Max away in vain. But really, how could he possibly have known they wouldn't come? In any case, Hans couldn't let Max stay to die. He couldn't take the chance.