The Book Thief Death Quotes


Quote 13

Out of respect, the adults kept everyone quiet, and Liesel finished chapter one of The Whistler. (56.30)

Liesel is becoming "the word shaker." She's finding ways to use words for good, like here, when she comforts the people in the bomb shelter by reading to them.


Quote 14

The words. Why did they have to exist? Without them, there wouldn't be any of this. Without words, the Führer was nothing. (82.28)

In this moment, Liesel is so disillusioned with the words that she tears up a book. What do you think about her statement, though. Is it true that Hitler needed words to do what he did?


Quote 15

The fingers of her soul touched the story that was written so long ago in her Himmel Street basement. (88.7)

Bet you didn't know souls had fingers. But the point is that Liesel is reunited with her book in the afterlife, when it's almost disintegrated. It makes us wonder if Liesel wrote more books after she left Himmel Street. What do you think?