Bronx Masquerade Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was stupid to think I could do this on my own. Even with Mami's help, I hardly have time to study or do my homework. Last week, Lupe asked if I could hang out with her after school and I just about laughed in her face. "Chica," I wanted to say, "them days are over for me." I go straight home now, except for maybe stopping at the grocery. It's no more Gloria Loca, party girl. Fun ain't even in my vocabulary anymore.

Once you have a kid, everything changes.

If I could go back, do things over... but I can't. No sense dreaming about it. (20.4-6)

Having a baby does change everything—and it makes you grow up really quickly, no matter how old you are. Gloria just wishes she could tell Lupe this before it's too late.

Quote #2

You never think other folks got feelings. Like Janelle. I must've cracked wise a hundred times about her weight. Never even thought about it. It was just something I did for a laugh. Listening to her now, it don't seem all that funny. (25.1)

Tyrone might have acted a little immature in the past, but now that he understands Janelle's pain, thanks to her poetry, he's not as willing to have a laugh at her expense. Yay for growing up.

Quote #3

Now I know why the sista hisses every time I call her "caramel cutie." That'd be the last thing she wants to hear! She's proud of her African self, and I'm down with that. That's why I be wearing my kufi every chance I get.

I wonder if the sista's into African music. I gotta ask her about that sometime. Maybe I could hook up some African drum music to go with her poetry for the assembly Teach told us about. She could read her stuff, and I could play DJ. Yeah! I could get into that. (40.1-2)

Here's another revelation for Tyrone about Tanisha. He now understands how insulted she's been every time he's commented on her light skin—this isn't how she wants to be seen.