Bronx Masquerade Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I hate always being the tallest girl in school. Everybody expects me to play basketball, so they pick me for their team, throw me the ball, and wait for me to shoot. Big mistake. I fumble it every time. Then they have the nerve to get mad at me, like I did it on purpose! But basketball is not my game. I have no game. I'm an artist, like Raul. The difference is, I don't tell anybody. I refuse to give them new reasons to laugh at me. The Jolly Green Giant jokes are bad enough. (11.4)

People take one look at tall and lanky Diondra and figure she's the next WBNA star waiting to happen. But appearances can be pretty deceiving in her case—she hates basketball and loves art.

Quote #2

I've got good height and good hands, and that's a fact. But what about the rest of me? Forget who I really am, who I really want to be. The law is be cool, be tough, play ball, and use books for weight training—not reading. Otherwise, everybody gives you grief. (14.3)

Devon has the same issue with basketball as Diondra does, except he's actually good at it. In his case, he needs to keep up the appearance of being a star athlete in order to stay "cool" in everyone else's eyes. But, hey, there's more to Devon than just shooting hoops, okay?

Quote #3

Janelle is all right. So what if she's a little plump? At least when you turn the light on upstairs, somebody's at home. She's smart, and she doesn't try hiding it. Which gets me thinking. Maybe it's time I quit sneaking in and out of the library like some thief. Maybe it's time I just started being who I am. (14.8)

Devon doesn't like it that people can't see past who he is outside, so he's willing to see Janelle for who she is, too. So what if she doesn't fit into certain beauty ideals? The girl has it going on in the brains department, and looks aren't everything.