Bronx Masquerade Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Judging from the company he keeps, [Wesley's] a gangsta in sheep's clothing. I don't even know why he and Tyrone bother coming to school. It's clear they don't take it seriously, although maybe they're starting to. (14.3)

Devon doesn't think much of Tyrone and Wesley's little gangster act, but he can see that they are starting to change. Look at them breaking out the books, just like him.

Quote #2

Man, that little white girl be getting pretty deep. I figured her for something lame like "Roses are red, violets are blue." Glad I didn't have a bet on that action. (28.1)

Tyrone is forced to change his views on his classmates as they each read their poems. He thinks that Leslie must not have any problems—she is white, after all—but then he figures out a key lesson: Everybody hurts and has their own issues. We're glad he didn't bet against Leslie, too.

Quote #3

Tanisha is one fine sister, but I never say that to her face. She gets tired of hearing it from all the other guys. They look at her and that's all they see, what's on the surface. That's what she told me when we talked once after Open Mike Friday. We talked about superficial judgments, how people look at you and think they know who you are, what you are, how they put you in a box: jock, china doll, whatever. That's one thing me and Tanisha got in common. We know all about being put in a box. I feel like I'm gonna be climbing out of the one marked "dumb jock" all my life. (41.3)

Devon is trying to change the way people see him and make his own transformation. He's always been labeled a dumb jock, so he knows how Tanisha feels. They both need to revamp the way people see them.