The Call of the Wild Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The wound-stiffened team was under way, struggling painfully over the hardest part of the trail they had yet encountered, and for that matter, the hardest between them and Dawson. (3.11)

Through sheer determination, the team is able to overcome the worst of scenarios.

Quote #11

It was no light running now, nor record time, but heavy toil each day, with a heavy load behind. (4.21)

The idea of carrying a weight or load is a part of Buck’s hardship. It begins as a physical load that he carries.

Quote #12

It was a hard trip, with the mail behind them, and the heavy work wore them down. They were short of weight and in poor condition when they made Dawson, and should have had a ten days' or a week's rest at least. But in two days' time they dropped down the Yukon bank from the Barracks, loaded with letters for the outside. The dogs were tired, the drivers grumbling, and to make matters worse, it snowed every day. This meant a soft trail, greater friction on the runners, and heavier pulling for the dogs (4.26)

Buck and his team endure suffering together. From here a sense of camaraderie arises.