Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He had a black top hat on his head.
He wore a tail coat made of a beautiful plum-colored velvet.
His trousers were bottle green.
His gloves were pearly gray. (14.3-6)

Check out the outfit. Sounds pretty fancy to us. But why is Mr. Wonka dressed so strangely? Is this what makes him extraordinary? Or is it something else?

Quote #8

Covering his chin, there was a small, neat, pointed black beard – a goatee. And his eyes – his eyes were most marvelously bright. They seemed to be sparkling and twinkling at you all the time. The whole face, in fact, was alight with fun and laughter. (14.8)

Mr. Wonka's personality seems even more extraordinary than his outfit. As soon as we see that twinkle in his bright eyes, we know Charlie and Grandpa Joe are in for some fun adventures.

Quote #9

"Aren't they fantastic!"
"No higher than my knee!"
"Look at their funny long hair!"
The tiny men – they were no larger than medium-sized dolls – had stopped what they were
doing, and now they were staring back across the river at the visitors. (15.27-30)

Here's our first glimpse at the Oompa-Loompas, and it's quite the glimpse. Their appearance is odd, to say the least. So here's a question: why is everything in this chocolate factory so strange looking?