Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"'Where's my Golden Ticket! I want my Golden Ticket!'" (6.9)

Who says this? Veruca Salt, of course – the greediest, most spoiled child of them all. Just look at what she says: my Golden Ticket, as if the ticket was destined to go to her, and no other kids have any chance at it.

Quote #5

[...] and what he would do, he whispered quickly to himself... he would buy one luscious bar of chocolate and eat it all up, every bit of it, right then and there... (10.27)

This is Charlie's one greedy moment. He finally gets to eat a chocolate bar all at once, just like all the other kids. We can't help but let out a little cheer for the kid.

Quote #6

"Why, I'd give him two hundred pounds for that ticket! You want to sell that ticket for two hundred pounds, young man?" (11.22)

Two hundred pounds for a chocolate bar? And a piece of golden paper? That's a little steep, if you ask us. But that's how bad this guy – a grown man – wants to visit the chocolate factory. What we love about this moment, though, is that Charlie isn't tempted by the money, even though his family sure could use it. Good for you, Charlie.