Childhood's End Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was not important: all that mattered was that Karellen no longer felt the need for this display of force. He had thrown away his psychological weapons. (5.4)

Those psychological weapons are technological weapons as well, such as the illusion of their spaceships. The Overlords cannot only dominate us physically with their tech, but they can also mess with our minds, man.

Quote #5

Rupert nodded, put down one of his glasses on an invisible table, adjusted an equally invisible control, and promptly vanished from sight.

"Well!" said Jean. "That's the first time I've seen one of those gadgets in action. How did Rupert get hold of it? I thought only the Overlords had them." (7.14-15)

Of course, the Overlords don't keep all the good tech toys for themselves—they share some pretty neat gadgets with humanity. But are these given away out of a sense of unselfishness or are there some strings attached?

Quote #6

There was nowhere on the planet where science and technology could not provide one with a comfortable home, if one wanted it badly enough. (10.6)

Yeah, we know this is science fiction, but the novel draws from a lot of really modern technology. Even with our non-sci-fi tech, tools have been developed to allow us to go pretty much everywhere in our world. Of course, we still have to wait for our Mt. Everest peak-side property.