The Chocolate War Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

That's what baffled everyone about Archie – his changes of mood, the way he could be a wise bastard one minute and a great guy the next. (2.24)

Archie's knows how to project different identities for different effects. He can change identities, chameleon-like, to fit any situation.

Quote #2

[Archie:] "Don't you think I'm human, too?" […] I'm not sure. That's what Obie almost said. (2.40)

"Human" in this context, refers to being a good person, having feelings, etc. Obie is questioning whether Archie has any positive human characteristics.

Quote #3

"You know who's sub-human, man? You. You are. Going to school every day. And back home on the bus. And do your homework." (3.17)

The random hippie/drifter guy at the bus stop is pretty judgmental for a free thinker, and has probably faced lots of judgment for living an unconventional life by 1970s standards. He's arguing that Jerry's life is totally mechanical, that Jerry is cut off from the spontaneous side of life.