The Chocolate War Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

Roll Call

"Mallan," Leon was calling out."Seven""Let me see now Mallan. Why, that brings your total to forty-seven. […]"Goober shriveled in his seat. Next would be Permentier. And then Jerry. (30.4-7)Cormi...


"[…] these are Mother's Day chocolates. […] I was – able to pick them up at a bargain price. [They're] in perfect condition, […] stored under the best of conditions since last spring. All w...

The Poster

The poster showed a wide expanse of beach, a sweep of sky with a lone star glittering far away. A man walked on the beach, a small solitary figure in all that immensity. At the bottom of the poster...

Obie's Notebook

Obie's notebook is "more complete than the school's files. It contain[s] information, carefully coded, about everyone at Trinity, the kind of stuff that couldn't be found in official records" (2.45...

Brian's Account Book

Brian records and calculates the results of the chocolate sale in his account book. He's recording dollar amounts and number of boxes sold accurately. But, The Vigils tell him who gets credit for t...


There are no locks on the lockers or the bathroom stalls at Trinity. This lack of locks is a symbol of the lack of privacy and security at the school. If you leave something in your locker and it g...


The phone plays an interesting role in The Chocolate War. Telephones are usually symbols of communication. That makes sense, right? One of the main ways we communicate is by talking on the phone....

Room Nineteen

The destruction of Room Nineteen took exactly thirty-seven seconds. (11.12)You remember Room Nineteen, don't you? You might have even giggled a little at the idea of unscrewing all the screws in th...