The Chocolate War Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Officially, The Vigils did not exist. How could a school condone an organization like the Vigils? The school allowed it to function by ignoring it completely, pretending it wasn't there. […] It was there because it served a purpose. (4.23)

Trinity uses The Vigils to enforce discipline it can't enforce itself. The Vigils can be pressured into taking on tasks, like turning selling chocolate into a popular activity and quashing any sense of rebellion.

Quote #2

You had to hand it to Leon – he was a superb actor. He loved to read short stories aloud, taking all the parts, providing all the sound effects. Nobody yawned or fell asleep in Leon's class. You had to be alert every minute. (6.13)

Leon has the talent to be an excellent teacher. He's mesmerizing, entertaining, and smart. But, the reason these kids are so alert isn't because they're soaking up knowledge; it's because they're afraid of what Leon will do or say next.

Quote #3

"Are you perfect, Bailey? All those As – that implies perfection. Is that the answer, Bailey? […] Only God is perfect, Bailey." (6.36-38)

Trinity is a Catholic school, and students are supposed to be getting a religious education. Leon is twisting a religious idea – that God is perfect – to torment his students and to teach them not to trust.