The Chocolate War Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Why did he always feel so guilty whenever he looked at Playboy and other magazines? (3.2)

One reason Jerry feels guilty is because he's still developing his ideas about sexual morality. 1970s counterculture would say that we should look at sexual images. Some 1970s feminists might say that such images objectify women. Moral standard bearers might say that such pictures are immoral. What are some other viewpoints? What's yours?

Quote #2

"Go get your bus, square boy. […] You're missing a lot of things in the world, better not miss that bus." (3.19)

The random guy is questioning the morality of living what he sees as a mechanized, overly ordered life.

Quote #3

The Vigils kept things under control. Without The Vigils, Trinity might have been torn apart like other schools had been, by demonstrations, protests, all that crap. (4.23)

The Vigils, and the administration which allows them to exist, take away students' rights to organize to create a better school environment for themselves.