Cloud Atlas Theme of Greed

Greed isn't anything new. It's as old as we humans are, it's one of the seven deadly sins, and it's a bad mamma-jamma, at that. Some say that greed is the stuff that all sins are made of. Cloud Atlas not only shows us how greed got from 19th-century seal clubbing to Gordon Gekko; it also paints a grim vision of the future. Scary thought: how different is the future presented in Cloud Atlas from what he have in the present?

Questions About Greed

  1. How does greed manifest itself in each of the six major narratives?
  2. In the world of Sonmi-451, the corporation is king. Do you think our world could end up like that? Why or why not?
  3. If greed is the Mother of All Sins, what other sins and themes in Cloud Atlas are caused by greed?
  4. Is Robert Frobisher greedy, or are his moneymaking schemes a necessity?