Prejudice Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Everywhere [Autua] observed that casual brutality lighter races show the darker. (1.1.19)

Not even in the far future (in Sloosha's Crossin', for example) does racial prejudice diminish. Even though the "darker races" are now superior races in that time period, some people of the Nine Valleys still look down on them for their skin color.

Quote #2

"Did anyone tell you my my nickname? Mr. Li." (3.35.2)

Men call Fay Li Mister Li because she doesn't take any crap from them. They believe she should take their sexual harassment as a compliment. Way to go, guys, you've just turned the male race into an embarrassment and an insult.

Quote #3

Its lady author, one dubiously named Hilary V. Hush [...] (4.1.97)

Cavendish feels the need to append the gender of the author to this statement, even though he doesn't do the same when it's a male author. That shows us that he looks upon "lady authors" with a little bit of disdain.