Truth Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"A film that shows the world is a Bates Motel, well, that's... the stuff of Buchenwald, dystopia, depression." (3.5.1)

Luisa is making a good analogy here. Films that are popular either ignore evil for a general feel-good vibe or make us think that evil is an anomaly. Films that make us uncomfortable are not usually commercially successful. Is that because people don't want to face the truth, or because of something else?

Quote #2

"What price would you pay, as a journalist I mean, to protect a source?" (3.6.5)

The Luisa Rey sections of the novel are all about the truth. Luisa represents how far some people will go to preserve it, while Seaboard Corp. represents how far some people will go to cover it up. How far would you go for the truth?

Quote #3

"Anything is true if enough people believe it is." (3.8.5)

While Grelsch is talking about his tabloid rag's sensational stories, what other manmade narratives could this statement apply to? Politics? Religion? The Easter Bunny?