Code Name Verity Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Date.Paragraph) or (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I raised my head with a jerk and asked furiously, "Why? Why do you care whether I can come up with the coordinates out of my head? I can make up coordinates the way Julie made up code! Give me a map and I'll point it out, you don't need me to do this! What do you really want, you bloody Machiavellian BASTARD?"

He was silent for a minute.

"I've been asked to test you a bit," he confessed at last. "Turn up the heat, see how you respond. I'm not honestly sure what to do with you. The Air Ministry wants to take away your license and the Special Operations Executive wants to recommend you for a George Medal. They'd like you to stay with them." (2.26.39-41)

So you just got stuck in occupied France for two months and had to kill your best friend. Welcome home, Maddie. We're just going to lay the pressure on a teensy bit more. If you were Maddie, what would you choose?