Code Talker Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Roy and I whispered in Navajo, joking with each other, trying to stay awake. (12.77)

This is a little moment in which we see Chester and Roy supporting each other in the middle of war. Nothing like a good joke to let off some steam.

Quote #8

We code talkers waved good-bye to the friends we had made in the 1st Marine Division—some of whom were best buddies—and tried to prepare ourselves mentally to forge new bonds as the war continued. (13.39)

The code talkers are sad to see the men of the 1st Marine Division leave. Here we see that part of the difficulty of the war for Chester and the other code talkers is having to let go of old friends.

Quote #9

We four men—Francis and I working in tandem, and Roy Begay and Roy Notah doing the same—became a team. (13.1)

Even though Francis and Roy Notah join Chester and Roy Begay later in the war, they're accepted into the fold. The two old friends make room for their two new code-talking buddies. This shows us how the code talkers are really good at embracing one another.