A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #1

These murderous adventures were not forays undertaken to avenge injuries, nor to settle old disputes or sudden fallings out; no, as a rule they were simply duels between strangers. (3.1)

The passage strongly condemns the Knights of the Round Table and their epic fail as far as real justice goes. They're not really knights in that they don't protect the people or do good deeds—dudes just fight each other.

Quote #2

The nation as a body was in the world for one object, and one only: to grovel before king and Church and noble. (8.4)

Don't be shy, Hank the Yank: tell us what you really think.

Quote #3

My works showed what a despot could do with the resources of a kingdom at his command. (10.3)

The Yankee sports a real ego sometimes, but he also stresses the good he can do against unjust institutions like the Church once he's in charge. That's a pretty important part of his character—if he didn't believe that he could change a whole country from the ground up, he would never go forward with any of his plans.