A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Theme of Injustice

A lot of Arthur's world just ain't right… and Hank has had enough of what ain't right. Many of his adventures in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court center around the unjust treatment of people, and Hank resolves to balance those scales in his own tech-heavy manner. This likely ties into the larger criticism of Arthurian literature, since the Knights of the Round Table are supposed to be doing the things that Hank does. More importantly, Hank hopes to deliver justice wholesale instead of retail: he fixes problems one at a time, but he also works on improving society as a whole simultaneously.

Questions About Injustice

  1. What are the major incidents showing how life in Arthur's Britain is unjust?
  2. Why don't the Knights of the Round Table act with justness?
  3. In what ways does Hank try to make things more just for everyone, not just the people he meets?
  4. Does Hank take any actions that are unjust? Which ones are they, and why are they unjust?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Hank is the only one who can right the wrongs in Camelot.

Others can be as just as Hank if they follow his example.