Crash Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My dad smacked the table. "I forgot. Your game. How'd it go? Who won? How'd you do?"

Suddenly I didn't feel like telling them. I chewed some stew. I shrugged. "Scored six TDs." (19.50-19.51)

Crash was thrilled about his performance in the football game, but by the time his parents get around to asking about it, his joy has turned into sadness. What is it about his dad's reaction that makes him shut down?

Quote #5

Scooter would tell us stories. Not cuddle-your-teddy-bear stories, but screamer stories, tremble stories, sink-your-teeth-into-your-teddy-bear stories. (20.21)

Scooter is a storyteller, so it's especially cruel that his stroke takes away his ability to speak. That must be frustrating. What sense do you think it would be most difficult to lose?

Quote #6

We both grew up thinking that Scooter's bed was the safest place in the world, like a boat in a sea full of crocs. In fact we used to call it our bed boat. It was a place where you could say things out loud that you might only think anywhere else. (20.32)

Scooter is someone you can talk to. You know, really talk to. Or, at least, he was before his stroke. After that, we see the roles reverse a little.