Crash Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wanted to say, I really like how you hardly use any makeup. But I didn't know how to say it, at least with words. But my hand knew how to do it; my hand was reaching out to say it, to touch that perfect unmade-up face, the most beautiful face I ever saw..." (23.10)

Here, Crash learns an important lesson. Touching a woman's face is not a compliment; it's an intrusion. Use your words, buddy. Use your words. Of course, that's not easy for Crash. Physical stuff, like athletics, comes easy for him. Verbal and emotional stuff, like talking and expressing himself? Not so much.

Quote #8

Scooter talks.

One word: "A-bye."

At first I thought he was telling us to go, saying good-bye, even the minute we got there. But it turns out that's all he says. It's his only answer. (37.1-37.3)

Scooter only has one word, and it doesn't even mean anything. Actually, that's not quite true. It means everything. And that's not much better. For the Coogans, it's a tough pill to swallow at first. They're going to have to get more creative.

Quote #9

As we were pulling into the driveway, Abby piped up: "It must have been terrible not to have a single word. And now he has one. And he can use it for anything!" (37.19)

Being a "glass half full" kind of gal, Abby takes the opposite view: Scooter's one word is a whole lot more than he had a few days ago. Now, that's optimism.