The Crystal Cave Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What does it matter what men call the light? It is the same light, and men must live by it or die. I only know that God is the source of all the light which has lit the world, and that his purpose runs through the world and past each one of us like a great river, and we cannot check it or turn it, but can only drink from it while living, and commit our bodies to it when we die." (V.10.28)

Merlin responds to an angry Uther, who has just emerged from Tintagel after he learns that Gorlois has been killed. Uther accuses Merlin of using religion and fate to make a grab for power. Merlin tries to explain that he's just doing what the god tells him. At this point, Uther wants names. Which god? Merlin explains why it doesn't matter—but Uther isn't biting. Merlin's ambiguity about the god at the back of this plan only reinforces Uther's suspicion that Merlin is really just another political player trying to manipulate him.