The Crystal Cave Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The wind whipped water to my eyes, and the scene blurred. The crystal globe was cold in my hands. I gazed down into it. Small and perfect in the heart of the crystal lay the town with its bridge and moving river and the tiny, scudding ship. […] It seemed that the whole countryside, the whole of Wales, the whole of Britain could be held small and shining and safe between my hands, like something set in amber. (V.3.32)

Stick with us, Shmoopers—this scene is particularly trippy. Merlin has gathered up a handful of herbs to heal Ulfin's boo-boo, when POOF: a crystal snow globe appears in his hands instead. He sees a vision of Britain that is different from anything he's experienced so far. This time, stuff isn't happening around him; instead, things are happening because of him. He knows finally what his destiny will be: to help a mighty king to the throne of Britain to keep it safe forever.