Cyrano de Bergerac Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #13

How is it with our friend?
ROXANE (To De Guiche)
Oh, he exaggerates! (V.59-60)

Even now, fifteen years after Christian’s death, Roxane is still stubbornly blind to Cyrano. She believes him invincible and never quite grasps that he can be killed as easily as Christian.

Quote #14

RAGUENEAU (Enters hurriedly.)
(He sees Le Bret.) Monsieur!—
ROXANE (Smiling)
First tell your troubles
To Le Bret for a moment.
But Madame—
(She goes out, with De Guiche, not hearing him. Ragueneau comes to Le Bret.)
After all, I had rather—You are here—
She need not know so soon—I went to see him
Just now—Our friend—As I came near his door,
I saw him coming out. I hurried on
To join him. At the corner of the street,
As he passed—Could it be an accident?—
I wonder!—At the window overhead,
A lackey with a heavy log of wood
Let it fall— (V.110-120)

Roxane now deceives herself as to Cyrano’s condition.

Quote #15

The hour!—He will be coming now—my silks—
All done striking? He never was so late
Before! The sister at the door—my thimble…
Here it is—she must be exhorting him
(A pause)
He ought to be
Converted, by this time—Another leaf—
(A dead leaf falls on her work ; she brushes it away.)
Certainly nothing could—my scissors— ever
Keep him away—
A NUN (Appears at the steps.)
Monsieur de Bergerac.
ROXANE (Without turning)
What was I saying?... Hard, sometimes, to match
These faded colors!...
(While she goes on working, Cyrano appears at the top of the steps, very pale, his hat drawn over
his eyes. The Nun who has brought him in goes away. He begins to descend the steps leaning on his
cane, and holding himself of his feet only by an evident effort. Roxane turns to him, with a tone of
friendly banter.)

After fourteen years,
Late—for the first time!
To repent all his sins…
CYRANO (Reaches the chair, and sinks into it; his gay tone contrasting with his tortured face.)
Yes, yes—maddening!
I was detained by—
A visitor,
Most unexpected. (V.144-156)

That Roxane keeps her back turned complements her mental refusal to see things as they are. In fact, she metaphorically had her back turned during her entire "relationship" with Christian.