Dancing on the Edge Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

I wondered about her and that Mr. Eugene Wadell. She had been going out with him a lot. She met him at one of her Other Realms conferences and at first she said she didn't like him because he kept following her around and staring at her. Then it turned out both of them had the same spirit guide, Rasmus […].

Aunt Casey told me it wasn't like Gigi to fall for such a line and that he must have some good qualities we didn't know about. (10.16-17)

Eugene Wadell seems to be quite the charmer. We might not think "We have the same spirit guide" is a super thrilling pickup line, but for people involved with the occult, it's probably the ticket to a first date. Regardless, it seems possible that Eugene's telling Gigi what she wants to hear and manipulating her into having a relationship with him.

Quote #5

By the middle of the year, word of my abilities as a love magician reached the high school and I began to get their business as well. Everyone knew me, knew my name. I was Miracle, the love magician. It was wonderful to hear people call my name without having eggs and rocks hidden behind their backs. It was fun saying things that I knew no one understood […] It was fun when the girls all did what I said. (16.2)

While there are a lot of disturbing things about Miracle's love magician charade, probably the most disquieting factor is that she's unknowingly become Gigi. She creates a persona for herself, thrives on the attention, and loves manipulating people for her own entertainment. The fact that she's created a very elaborate lie doesn't seem to matter, just like it doesn't matter to Gigi.

Quote #6

Juleen nodded. "People see what they want to see […] It's all illusions, magic tricks. People see what they want to see and don't see what they don't want to see. The whole school knows now. They know what you really are. They know you're a fake." (16.79)

They don't call Juleen "The Brain" for nothing. Gigi's (and Miracle's) magic acts may be lies in themselves, but they don't work unless their clients believe them, and that mostly comes from them lying to themselves by "seeing what they want to see."