Dancing on the Edge Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

"That's right, and I can cure her in two days," Gigi said, stepping around to the back of my chair and bumping the orderly out of the way so she could hold the chair herself. "She doesn't need some prying, nosy doctor getting into our business. All those silly questions he asked me. It's not his business, and I told him so." (19.15)

Why are we getting the feeling that Gigi wanting Miracle out of the hospital has more to do with her fear that Miracle will find out the truth about the family's secrets than her wellbeing? Gigi's somebody who doesn't deal very well with the truth on her own, and doesn't want others to hear it as well.

Quote #8

Aunt Casey waved her hand. "Oh, we never told Miracle. We didn't tell her anything. Did we, Miracle? Tell him. You never knew a thing. It was just a suspicion anyway. We could never know for sure. We made a pact, we'd never tell. Gigi said for us to make her death a good thing and it was, we have Miracle." (24.105)

For her next trick, Casey Dawsey will tell Dr. DeAngelis about the lie she and Gigi told Miracle, while lying in the process. Having Miracle hasn't always been a "good thing" for Casey—in fact, it's been torture.

Quote #9

I wouldn't react to made-up stories. They were acting, putting on a show, just like in the TV room. I didn't know this woman they were talking about […] I wouldn't look at lies. (25.1-3)

By this point, Miracle has to be super confused. She's been told the same story about her mom's death thousands of times, and now she's hearing for the first time that things might not have gone down the way she thought. As this statement reveals, she no longer is able to tell the difference between the truth and lies when her family speaks to her.