Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) Lies and Deceit Quotes

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Quote #10

No, I no longer believe in love, in honesty. Oh! what can I believe in, if Cécile has betrayed me?

Answer me then! Is it true you no longer love me? No, that is not possible. You are deluding yourself. (3.93.3-4)

Dramatic, isn't he? In his excited way, Danceny is just as manipulative as Valmont and Merteuil. If he's slightly less detestable, it's because we get the sense that maybe he's not really trying, in some cold-blooded way, to manipulate Cécile. He really does love her, but he doesn't trust her. Of course, Valmont hasn't been delivering her letters as promised, so Danceny's the victim of deceit.