Dark Water Chapter 31 Summary

  • Pearl waits until her mom is asleep to head out to the woods.
  • She knows Agnès won't accept the money from Amiel anyway, so she doesn't bother giving it to her.
  • Instead Pearl takes the envelope back to Amiel.
  • She insists that he take it, and while he doesn't say anything, she can tell that he's relieved.
  • The two of them sit there in silence for a little while.
  • Suddenly Pearl wants to be even closer to Amiel, so she leans in and kisses him.
  • When he backs away, she immediately apologizes, although she's really not sorry at all.
  • She doesn't see why they can't kiss. This is America, and everyone is equal here, she tells him.
  • Before Pearl can say anything else, though, Amiel gets up and goes back the way he came.
  • We're not really sure whether this means he doesn't like her or just doesn't think he should like her since he works for her uncle and is an undocumented immigrant.
  • He left the money behind, so Pearl picks it up and decides to give it to her aunt after all.