Art & Culture Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Over her the puppeteer loomed sinister, and as Zuzana twirled, its arms and fingers jittered and jumped as if it were controlling her, and not the other way around. (26.66)

Zuzana's puppet show is amazing. The crowd loves it and showers her with coins. However, the performance makes Karou feel empty inside. Why do you think this is? What is it about the show that awakens feelings like this inside of Karou?

Quote #8

Karou, her back to [Akiva], dropped a theatrical curtsy. (29.27)

Here's an important lesson: if you end up performing real magic in public--like fighting an angel in midair--just pretend it was all an act. People on the street will believe anything. Heck, they might even give you money for it.

Quote #9

It was beautiful, what [Brimstone] did, but terrible, too, and the terrible bountifully outweighed the beautiful. (49.32)

Brimstone's "dark art" of making necklaces and bodies is exactly that: an art. He has to craft them patiently, with skill, and they are beautiful. Like a lot of artists, Brimstone also has to tap into a lot of pain to do create his works.