Art & Culture Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Issa] and Twiga and Yasri were as hooked on Karou's sketchbooks as her human friends were, but for the opposite reason. They like to see the normal things: tourists huddled under umbrellas, chickens on balconies, children playing the park. (5.14)

This goes to show that, depending on your perspective, absolutely anything can be art.

Quote #5

[Karou] could put it in her sketchbook, and that was something, but it wasn't enough. She wanted to talk. (10.34)

Art is a way to express feelings that you can't necessarily put into words. But Karou's been creating art so long that she thinks it's time to start talking to other people. She wants to know the truth.

Quote #6

"Do you have any new drawing of [Issa]?" (13.31)

Karou's friends like her drawings because they show them a world that they don't even know exists, a world of magic and fantasy. Izîl likes the drawings because they show him a world he can never go back to—his world of magic and fantasy. Sad.