Dead End in Norvelt Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The more you [...] pitch in around the house the more you can understand how the whole family works as a team. (13.30)

We can't help but read a bit of irony into the comment Jack's mom makes here, since there seems to be little teamwork going on in this family. They're always keeping secrets from each other, or lying, or telling half-truths, or cutting down each other's corn. Yeah. It's that kind of family.

Quote #8

I knew she was more disappointed with me than angry, and that really hurt most of all. (15.62)

Disappointment: perhaps one of the cruelest (and most effective) weapons in a parent's arsenal. Why is Jack's mom so disappointed here? And why is it so awful to have your parents disappointed in you?

Quote #9

"I just got it [the transistor radio]," he moaned. "It was expensive." (23.53)

Jack's dad really does sound like a whiny brat who really wants to have his way. Right. Now. This is just one more example of how he suffers from Peter Pan Syndrome. He's a bit kid who hasn't finished growing up.