Doll Bones Coming of Age/Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He's twelve years old, playing with a bunch of crap," he said […]. "He's got to grow up. It was time he got rid of them." (2.54)

Zach's dad is in a real rush for his son to grow up, but Zach needs to come to terms with adolescence on his own time.

Quote #5

"We're too old anyway, don't you think?" he made himself say.

Alice looked stricken.

"That's stupid," Poppy said. "We weren't too old the day before yesterday." (4.10-4.12)

Zach tries out his dad's philosophy, but he can't make himself believe it. For the record, Poppy's not buying it, either. You go, girl.

Quote #6

He was the captain of a real ship, a real ship really called the Pearl. It was almost too much magic to bear, but for once he didn't question it. (11.22)

For months—maybe years—Zach's favorite toy has been a pirate that captains a ship called Neptune's Pearl. Then in real life he steals a real boat that's called the Pearl. Quite a coincidence, don't you think?