Doll Bones Coming of Age/Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He looked back into the mirror, seeing a slightly sunburnt boy looking back at him, older than he remembered himself […]. (13.20)

Presumably, it's only been a day or so since Zach last saw himself in a mirror. Perhaps he thinks he looks older because the quest has matured him in some way? What do you think?

Quote #8

"Well, come on then, William." Alice's voice, from the dark, was eerily changed. It was like he was talking to Alice and the character she played at the same time. (13.78)

This is another point in the story in which a character "becomes" her toy. Alice becomes Lady Jaye, just as Zach becomes William the Blade when he steals the boat.

Quote #9

"I can see you changing […]. It's like you're both forgetting everything. You're forgetting who you are." (14.39)

Poppy sees growing up as a loss. But is it possible that you gain something, too? To dig deeper into this, swing by Death elsewhere in this section.