Ella Enchanted Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Thinking of Father's scheme to marry me off, I said, "Sometimes people are forced into wedlock. If they must marry, perhaps it's better if they must love." (21.80)

So if you're deprived of your choice of who to marry, you should also be forced to love that person? We're not sure two wrongs ever really make a right, even in this case.

Quote #8

"I turned myself into the eight-year-old daughter of shopkeepers. I thought it was only fair to be a child, since I always bestowed obedience on infants. … My parents wouldn't let me disagree with them about anything. My father loved to read parables aloud, and I had to listen to every word. They commanded me to think about the morals, so even my thoughts had to be obedient." (25.110)

Lucinda gets a taste of her own medicine: total, unquestioning obedience. Even in her MIND. What is this, Equilibrium? Either way, it's pretty awful. (Also, whoa! This isn't the first time she's done this!)

Quote #9

His face was close to mine. He must have seen my terror. "You needn't be Ella if you don't want to be," he said softly. (29.36)

The fact that Char wants Ella to have a choice when he finds her in the cinders after the third ball is touching. Get it? He's a good guy. We wouldn't mind being ruled by this one.