Ella Enchanted Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Char backed away, holding the youngster, who squirmed to get out of his grasp. "Give him to me," I said, thinking I might be able to quiet him. (6.61-62)

See? When she's free to do what she wants, Ella makes choices that, instead of being contrary or transgressive, are kind helpful. Who wouldn't want a daughter like that?

Quote #5

It was a tiresome game, but I had to play it or feel a complete puppet. (11.9)

Ella chooses to subvert every order she's given at finishing school simply to feel as though she has some shred of free will in her life. Plus, it really ticks off her teachers.

Quote #6

"She turned you from half puppet to all puppet." (18.69)

We'd say it's even worse: at least puppets don't actually have emotions to be manipulated. This is Mandy's take on Lucinda ordering Ella to be happy to be obedient. If Ella had very few choices before, now she basically has zero.