Ella Enchanted Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You shouldn't associate with the lower orders, like that wench from Ayortha," she said the next evening. (11.74)

Okay, Hattie is prejudiced—but she's also cruel. Even if Areida weren't of a lower social class, Hattie would still probably find a reason to order Ella not to be her friend anymore. Luckily, the class thing provides an easy excuse.

Quote #5

While Char and I addressed the ogres, the knights were busy setting out lunch for all of us. When we were seated, we delayed our first bite until Char began to eat. It was so natural to him I doubted he noticed. (15.78)

Char's not bad for royalty, but it's obvious that he's been doing this whole highest-rank-in-the-kingdom thing his whole life.

Quote #6

"Do you like serving under the prince?" "Some might not fancy answering to a youngster," he said, "but I'm a toiling knight." "What's that?" "Not so noble I can't curry my own horse, nor so greedy I have no time to serve my king." (16.9-12)

Sir Stephan is a good example of someone unburdened by silly notions of class: as a knight, he's got decent social status, but he doesn't mind serving his king. And he's not too good to take care of his own horse. Sounds like a neigh-borly fellow. Har har.