Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In what manner are the opening credits removed from view?

The credits scroll upwards toward the eternal sunshine.
They dissolve slowly, like a memory fading away
Trick question; there are no opening credits.
They disappear in a flash, leaving behind a blankness mirrored by Joel upon waking.
Q. What's wrong with Clem when Joel is following her in his car and trying to get her to come back?

Nothing; why do you ask?
Her hair is actually yellow
She's missing a leg
Her face is very briefly replaced by Mary's face
Q. When Joel looks at the Lacuna card Rob shows him, what happens to it?

It disappears entirely
Clem's name fades away
It bursts into flames
We can see it is obviously fake
Q. What is strange about Joel's memories as they flash by him one last time in the car ride home from the beach party?

They are happening on the beach
They are happening in reverse
They no longer involve Clem
They're actually visions of the future
Q. What's happening in the scene in which Joel chases Clem down the street but keeps heading the wrong direction?

We can see people inside the buildings looking quizzically at him
"Don't Stop Believing" can be heard playing faintly in the background
The items in the stores disappear and reappear, as do the store names
Joel's car appears to be no longer dented