Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Resources


Mapping Isn't Just for Minds

If you're a local New Yorker or know the area, you might appreciate this breakdown of Eternal Sunshine filming locations. You could even stop by Gondry's place and say hi.


You Can't Spell "Identity" without Memory

An interesting article about the importance of memory to identity—and about how Eternal Sunshine shows this. Does that mean you lose a part of yourself if you can't remember what you ate for breakfast this morning?

Lights, Camera, Sunshine

Here's an article that sheds some light on Eternal Sunshine by talking about—what else?—lighting.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Room

Now that you've seen Eternal Sunshine, why not see a short of a spinning camera watching Eternal Sunshine? Sounds pretty revolutionary, right? You just might want to pay more attention to the room than the movie. (Side note: it's not about Sauron.)

When Movies Meet Mice, All Becomes Reality

This whole 'Lacuna procedure' thing is just some far-fetched science fiction stuff, right? Well, for now, maybe. But neuroscientists are already doing some serious memory manipulation to mice. Check out what they have to say in this TED Talk.

"Are You Nuts?" "It's Been Suggested."

What happens when Carrey and Gondry take a break from Eternal Sunshine and decide to have a little fun? Well, this happens… whatever you want to call it.

Lacuna Matata

Watch this lovely Lacuna commercial, featuring everyone's favorite, Dr. Mierzwiak. But, uh, "destructive love affair"? That's an oddly extreme and specific example, don't you think, Howard?

The Rare One-Leggèd Winslet

Want to know how to make an eternally reversing street block? Look no further than this special effects explanation video, which takes you through some of Gondry's visual tricks.

A Night at the Movies

Here's a deleted scene of Clem and Joel's first date. If you hang around YouTube, you'll also find other deleted scenes, including plenty of Naomi (who was actually a character) and a disturbing piece of information about Mary's past.

The Jim and Michel Show

First part of an interview in which Carrey and Gondry talk about the filming of the movie—with some fun anecdotes thrown in, of course.


The Healing Power of Pomegranates

Leave it to an indie rock band to create a song about a made-up constellation from the movie. It's almost like obscurity is a contest these days.


Truer Words Have Never Been Said

Tired of your typical, feel-good, motivational, stock background images? Maybe this one will cheer you up.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Memories)

Check out Joel's mind map. We promise it's much more interesting than green dots on a picture of his brain.

Emotional Core Eradication

Are Joel's memories ever really rid of their emotional core? This is an interesting illustration, although it doesn't answer any of our questions.

Doppelgänger Kids

How could you resist an adorable picture of Jim and Kate holding their younger selves?