Fangirl Chapter 21 Summary

  • Christmas break is almost over, and Cath's still worrying about her dad, who's supposed to drive her and Wren back to school in three days.
  • It's time to have The Talk: she's decided not to go back to UNL. She's going to transfer to UNO and live at home.
  • Her dad says no way; she'll lose her scholarships, so she should at least stick out the year.
  • He tells her Grandma's going to check on him a few times a week, and that if things get bad again, he might stay with her for a while.
  • Cath's not convinced, but their conversation is interrupted when Wren comes home. Cath goes upstairs to her room.
  • That night, Wren says their dad told her Cath wasn't going back. Cath has nothing to say; she goes and sleeps on the couch.
  • The next morning, her dad tells her he could never forgive himself if Cath gave up her scholarships to take care of him.
  • She's writing when Wren comes up to their room to start packing.
  • The phone rings. It's Reagan, whose mom has offered to give them a couch, and she wants to know if Cath wants it.
  • Cath says no—a couch won't fit in a dorm room.
  • Reagan apologizes for encouraging Cath with Levi and says she's never encouraging anyone about anything again.
  • Cath and her dad, as usual, hit up the taco truck for dinner. Mmm… tacos.