Farewell to Manzanar Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Farewell to Manzanar? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Jeanne's "schoolgirl's dream" is all about…

becoming a geisha girl.
becoming a popular teen queen.
making her parents happy.
One Direction.
Q. Papa and other Issei aren't okay about leaving Manzanar because…

Manzanar's weather is so much better for their joints and bones.
they have no jobs or homes to return to.
they've made Manzanar into a livable place.
Answers #2 and #3
Q. The relationship between Jeanne and Papa can best be described as…

super silly.
affectionate and supportive.
respectful and loving.
increasingly distant and detached.
Q. Camp administration tried to make up for the conditions leading up to the December Riot by…

giving each family a Christmas tree.
hiring a new director.
promising better treatment.
#1, #2, #3
Q. Why was mess hall eating a major problem?

Everyone was seriously messy.
It broke up families because families never ate together.
There wasn't enough room for everyone to eat all at once.
No one liked the food.