The Fault in Our Stars Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…] but then I heard a voice that was definitely a twisted version of his say, "BECAUSE IT IS MY LIFE, MOM. IT BELONGS TO ME." (10.19)

Augustus is not defined by his cancer, and he won't let it prevent him from doing the things he wants to do. He even passes over chemo drugs in order to go to Amsterdam and fulfill some wishes. Brave or stupid?

Quote #5

"Everyone wants to lead an extraordinary life."

"Not everyone," I said, unable to disguise my annoyance. (11.101-102)

Truth, as brought to us by the worldly and wise teens of The Fault in Our Stars. Hazel and Augustus have completely different views on how they want to be remembered in the future.

Quote #6

"Yeah. I mean, it was the tumor. It ate her brain, you know? Or it wasn't the tumor. I have no way of knowing, because they were inseparable, she and the tumor." (11.145)

Augustus' ex-girlfriend was a total jerk to him, but he had no idea if it was the tumor speaking. Cancer can creep into your life and take over to the point where you can't distinguish where you end and the cancer begins.