The Fault in Our Stars Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm hopefully I'll get to attend as a ghost, but just to make sure, I thought I'd—well, not to put you on the spot, but I just this afternoon thought I could arrange a prefuneral…" (20.38)

Augustus organizes his own prefuneral so he can hear what Isaac and Hazel have to say about him. What do you think: morbid or brave?

Quote #8

Augustus Waters died eight days after his prefuneral, at Memorial, in the ICU, when the cancer, which was made of him, finally stopped his heart, which was also made of him. (21.1)

Hazel and Augustus spent a lot of time contemplating their mortality. But was Hazel prepared for this moment?

Quote #9

My parents came in then, looking expectant, and I just nodded and they fell into each other, feeling, I'm sure, the harmonic terror that would in time come for them directly. (21.3)