The Fault in Our Stars Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I digress, but here's the rub: The dead are visible only in the terrible lidless eyes of memory. The living, thank heaven, retain the ability to surprise and to disappoint. (7.43)

Does Peter Van Houten prefer people who are alive or dead? Is he haunted by mortality or is he just a jerk?

Quote #5

If I could just stay alive for a week, I'd know the unwritten secrets of Anna's mom and the Dutch Tulip Guy. (8.100)

Hazel thinks about everything in terms of how long she can survive. Is that a pessimistic way to live her life?

Quote #6

"I happen to know the answer to that question," he said. "There are seven billion living people, and about ninety-eight billion dead people." (10.107)

Morbid curiosity gets the best of all of us. Even the dying.