The Fault in Our Stars Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Really?" I asked. I was surprised. I'd always associated belief in heaven with, frankly, a kind of intellectual disengagement. (11.94)

Augustus has some pretty interesting ideas about what the afterlife entails. Even if he's not super-religious, it helps him contemplate his impending death. Hazel Grace gets her mind opened a bit when she realizes it's possible to be religious and intellectual. Fancy that.

Quote #5

Maybe some people need to believe in a proper and omnipotent God to pray, but I don't. (12.174)

Even though Hazel's not at all religious (in the organized religion sense), she still feels the need to pray when things are dire. She loves Augustus and is willing to go against her intellectual beliefs to try for a miracle.

Quote #6

[…] his dad put an arm around me and kissed the side of my head and whispered, "I thank God for you every day, kid." (19.39)

Augustus's parents really do see Hazel as a source of solace in their time of need. And even though she doesn't believe in a God, she accepts their faith.