Feathers Part 3 / Chapter 10 Summary

  • After grocery shopping, Frannie asks to be dropped off at the nearby rec center so that she can watch Sean playing basketball.
  • As soon as Sean sees her, though, he looks unhappy—one of his deaf friends even signs that it's "babysitting time." They obviously don't want any pesky little sisters around.
  • He doesn't get angry with her, however, and taps her on the head to let her know that he's almost done.
  • When she sits down onto the bleachers, she sees that some girls are watching her brother. They ask if it's true that he can't hear anything, and they talk about how cute he is.
  • Then she sees Jesus Boy coming out of the boys' locker room. He comes up to her and asks her what she's doing here. She doesn't respond.
  • He says that he's waiting for his dad to come, and she asks him what it was like to live on the white side of town. He says that it wasn't good for his mom and his dad, and that the cops were always giving his dad trouble.
  • When she asks why, he says it's because he doesn't look like his dad. She's about to ask more when she sees Trevor coming up to pick on Jesus Boy.
  • This is when a tall dark-skinned man walks in, and Jesus Boy introduces him to Frannie. This guy is his father, apparently, which throws all the kids off… How is this possible?
  • Later on, Sean comes out of the gym and asks her why she didn't watch the whole game. She lies and says that it's because it was too hot in there—she doesn't tell him about her encounter with Jesus Boy and his dad.