Feathers Part 4 / Chapter 20 Summary

  • Ms. Johnson tells the class that everyone has a story and that when you're afraid to tell your story, that's called "writer's block."
  • The Jesus Boy pipes up to say that the truth is in your heart and that everyone is just trying to tell their truth. Ms. Johnson says that he's right on target, and that they should all write what their hearts tell them to write.
  • She tells them to think about a day in their life where something big happened… or maybe nothing big happened at all. They should write about that.
  • The Jesus Boy raises his hand and says that when he was three years old, his parents adopted him. Well, that makes way more sense now.
  • Frannie looks down at her page and decides to write about how Sean taught her how to speak, and how she grew up inside his world of words… the world of sign language.