Feathers Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

The boy stared back at him—his face pale and calm and quiet. I had never seen such a calm look on a kid. Grown-ups could look that way sometimes, but not the kids I knew. The boy's eyes moved slowly around the classroom but his head stayed still. It felt like he was seeing all of us, taking us in and figuring us out. (1.13)

One of the first things about the new kid that strikes Frannie is just how observant he is. He's taking in everything about the other kids, which could either mean that he's really smart… or just plain creepy.

Quote #2

I stared at his arms and saw the Trevor that was maybe inside of the Evil Trevor—just a regular boy with beautiful skin. I saw that, even though he was mean all the time, the sun still stopped and colored him and warmed him—like it did to everybody else. (4.4)

The other kids usually see Trevor as some kind of spiky monster, but sometimes Frannie sees the real Trevor who is just a kid.

Quote #3

"Is he some kind of crybaby or something?" I heard somebody ask.

"Nah," I heard Rayray say softly. "You heard the brother-man. He's just like a little bit lost. It be's like that sometimes." (4.50-51)

It's easy to just see someone as a crybaby, but Rayray looks through the Jesus Boy's sadness and sees the truth behind it. He knows that Jesus Boy is just lonely and a little bit lost, and he feels for him.