Flipped Chapter 11 Summary

The Serious Willies (Bryce)

  • The Loski-Baker joint family dinner is upon us. Bryce's mom is freaking out trying to get everything ready, and Bryce is kind of freaking out too—he can't even figure out what to wear.
  • When the Bakers arrive, Matt and Mike head into Lynetta's room. The moms are chatting together, and Mr. Baker is with Granddad. This means Juli and Bryce are together… and things are about to get awkward.
  • Bryce thinks Juli looks pretty hot, but Juli tells Bryce that she heard him in the library and he's the biggest jerk around.
  • Things only get worse when Bryce's dad shows up and acts like an even bigger jerk. Bryce is super embarrassed by his pops.
  • So Bryce feels awkward and alone. And then he ends up listening to a conversation between Juli, Granddad, and Mr. Baker about perpetual motion. Juli sounds like a smarty-pants with all her questions, which makes Bryce feel like even more of an idiot.
  • When the gang sits down for dinner, we learn more about Matt and Mike's band. Lynetta plays a song of theirs on the CD player and Mr. Loski gets super nosy about how they afforded to record such a high quality demo. Really classy, Mr. L. Apparently Matt and Mike saved their money and bought used equipment to record the songs themselves.
  • Needless to say, Bryce is super embarrassed the whole time by his old man.
  • After dinner Bryce gets a pleasant surprise when Juli tells him she's sorry she was so angry earlier. Then he almost kind of kisses her, but before anything happens she and her family are out the door.
  • Once everyone is gone, things really go haywire in the Loski house. Mr. L says that the Baker boys must be drug dealers to afford their equipment, which makes Lynetta super angry, and Mr. L gets so mad in response that he slaps her. While everyone else is screaming or storming out, Granddad and Bryce retreat.
  • Now that Bryce can see how cool the Bakers are, he's realizing just how many troubles his own family has.